Thomas 2 ‘Ernie Turner’

‘Ernie Turner’ was built by John Forshaw in 1988 and spend it’s life at the Ness Island Railway in Inverness before arriving at the BMR in November 2010. The locomotive is one the Mainstays of the BMR steam services since she arrived and has proved a powerful and useful engine. The locomotive is finished in a maroon livery.
Thomas 2 ‘ Chriastabel E Holmes’

Thomas II class 0-4-2 ‘Christabelle E Holmes’ was built in 1988 by John Forshaw and it the Sister to Ernie Turner our Maroon Thomas II. She has previously worked at Pecorama in Devon, Hollybush Garden Centre in Staffordshire and Weston Park, it used to be Called Samuel Whitbread.
Tinkerbell ‘Joan’

‘Joan’ Was Built in 2014 by Peter Beevers in Sidcup, Kent. She is an adaption of the popular ‘Tinkerbell’ class locomotive designed by Roger Marsh in the 1970’s. The locomotive carries plain green livery and is powerful enough to handle the heavy BMR service trains alone.
Tinkerbell ‘ Isabel’

Isabel was built in 2004 in Lincolnshire by Eric Walker . Initially built as an 0-4-2 saddle tank she was almost immediately converted to an 0-4-0 plus tender . She is not based on any prototype but has a lot of ‘Bagnall’ about her , including a marine style boiler.She spent six years based in Kent with regular trips to the Swanley New Barn Railway . Also excursions to Staffs, Lancs , Surrey and even Perthshire . Based at Barnards Farm for the last two years , she is currently dismantled for her ten year overhaul and may well emerge from the workshops restored to her original 0-4-2 configuration and in a new livery.